Managing classes and lectures

Each course is made up of different classes. Each class can contain an unlimited number of lectures. Each lecture holds content such as text, video, quizzes, etc.

To manage classes for a course, on the course listing page, click on the 'Options' button for that course. Next, click on the 'Classes' option

On the classes page, you will see a list of all classes for the course

Click on 'Add New' in order to create a new class. You can drag and drop classes in order to specify the order in which students will take them. Classes will be taken according to the order they are arranged i.e the first on the list will be the first taken.

Click on 'Manage Lectures' in order to manage the lectures for a class.

You can also drag and drop lectures in order to control their order of display and presentation to students.

Click on 'Add New' to create a new lecture. Click on 'Manage Content' in order to add items to the lecture such as video, text, images etc.

On the lecture content page, you can add new items by clicking on the 'Add Lecture Content' dropdown item.

You can also drag and drop items here in order to control their order of display and presentation to students.

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